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GlomCon Seminars

A virtual, global, and multidisciplinary event that features tumor-board-like case discussions, lectures, and roundtable discussions by world-renowned experts. It started in 2016 as a small virtual community of nephrologists in Boston and has grown into a weekly event with more than 6000 subscribers and global participants from 132 countries.


GlomCon aim to inspire the next generation of the clinician workforce to pursue clinical and research careers to improve the care of patients with glomerular diseases.

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GlomCon Classics

The GlomCon Classics are the original types of GlomCon seminars and are faculty lead case-based or topic-based lectures focused on important contemporary concepts in nephrology and nephropathology.

GlomCon Kidney Transplantation Series

As a leader in virtual nephrology education, GlomCon has also introduced a series dedicated to kidney transplantation to promote the open dissemination of the latest insights by experts in this field.

Why is XYZ?

Challenging the status quo in nephrology and nephropathology
Why is XYZ?” is a GlomCon Special by Dr. Helmut Rennke to stimulate critical debate about the limitation of historical conventions, dogmas, and fallacies in nephrology and nephropathology

GlomCon RPS Nephropathology Series

In collaboration with the Renal Pathology Society, this series’ curriculum focuses on practical aspects of nephropathology and research in renal pathology. A particular focus is on including new technologies applied to renal pathology, such as image analytics, machine learning, multi-omics, and computational pathology approaches to renal biopsy analyses.

GlomCon ISN Seminar Series

Together with the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), we introduced this “Mini Seminar Series” developed in partnership between ISN and GlomCon to foster a collaborative learning experience provided by expert faculty across the globe.

GlomCon Clinical Trial Series

This series is designed to be a catalyst for the exchange of ideas, raising awareness, and providing education about clinical trials in nephrology.

GlomCon ERA Roundtable Discussions

A collaborative “Roundtable Discussion” between GlomCon and the European Renal Association to enhance cross-Atlantic exchange, stimulate educational and scientific collaboration, and highlight the latest developments in glomerular diseases and nephrology.

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