Glomerular Diseases Clinic

In our glomerular disease clinic, we collaborate closely with rheumatology, and MFM to deliver exceptional care to our patients. Our patients benefit from various resources such as genetic testing, innovative therapies, participation in clinical trials and the convenience of on-site kidney biopsy. Our dedicated neuropathologists can provide a comprehensive biopsy report within a week. Through our collaborative efforts, we prioritize prompt and optimal care for our patients.
Sayna Norouzi, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Sayna Norouzi, M.D.
Craig Zuppan, M.D.
Yan Chen Wongworawat, M.D.
Active Clinical Trials
A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Dose-finding Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of ALXN2050 in Adult Participants with Proliferative Lupus Nephritis (LN) or Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy (IgAN), Role: PI, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, (08/2023 - 08/2024) Status: Approved
A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Sibeprenlimab Administered Subcutaneously in Subjects with Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy, Role: PI, Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, (08/2023 - 08/2024) Status: Approved
Current non-trial studies
HRQOL in Patients with Lupus Nephritis and IgA Nephropathy, Role: PI, LLU Dept. of Medicine, (12/2023) Status: Approved
Distress Tolerance in Lupus Nephritis; Exploring the Impact of Acceptance on Disease Severity, Role: PI, LLU Dept. of Medicine, (09/2023) Status: Approved
Cardiovascular risk management in lupus nephritis and IgA nephropathy patients, Role: PI, LLU Dept. of Medicine, (03/2023) Status: Approved
A multi-site glomerular diseases registry, Role: PI, LLU Dept. of Medicine, (03/2021) Status: Approved
Accepting trainee applications?
Research scholars through our international scholarship program at Loma Linda University. We currently have 4 research scholars working with me,
Visit their website:
250 S G St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
Sayna Norouzi, M.D.
Assistant Professor